
Showing posts from July, 2016

The pro-life movement needs your help

The pro-life movement in Monroe County needs your help. We need more people to lighten the load and spread the message that unborn babies need to be protected. We need more younger people and we need more men involved in this movement. The workload will be much easier if multiple people are doing the work, as everyone gets a smaller task. I am going to be honest here: The bulk of the pro-life work here is being done by just a few people. The same people organize, plan and promote the Life Chain every October, the Rally for Life every January and the booth at the Monroe County Fair every July. They need help. They need others to step up and do some of the work required to take care of these things. It is relatively easy to show up at a couple events per year for an hour or two, but for the hundreds of people who spend an hour at a couple events there are just a handful who spend many more hours setting it up. I am not including myself in that group. Many others do far more than I do